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October 01, 2018
The team of specialists of CJSC NEM started the repair and anticorrosion protection of the hydromechanical equipment of the water intake of the Nizhne-Teriberskaya hydroelectric station.

September 17, 2018
Specialists of CJSC NEM started the overhaul of the hydraulic unit of the Nizhne-Svirskaya hydroelectric power station.

August 1, 2018
Work continues on the reconstruction of spillway of Nizhnetulomskaya HPP.


CJSC "Nordenergomontage”  (NEM)  was founded in 2000 on the base of the trust  "Spetsgidroenergomontazh"  (SGEM). The organization deals with montage, repair, reconstruction, starting-adjustment and alignments of the hydroelectric station equipment. We repair all known types of hydroelectric turbines. Qualification and experience of our specialists allows carrying out all types of work, which were earlier performed at the factory only.
We carry out rustproofing, fabrication, and installation of different types of metal constructions. Our workers build and repair many power assets in the North-West of the Russian Federation.
We always adhere to timescale and control the quality of works. These are the main criteria of our activity.

Our company is known to be reliable. In 2007 we organized the International Power Group. Different plants and factories, which can carry out such works as engineering, building and reconstruction of hydropower equipment. The experience of the companies are used while reconstructing of hydropower stations of the Kola Peninsula. 




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